Polizei Hamburg

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Frequently asked questions

How can I generate the required XML file?

Why I cannot transmit the file in Excel-XML-format?

  • Only the format of the prescription on the internet page guarantees the necessary gain while the evaluation and processing of the data

I don't have any internet access aboard and our e-mail client doesn't support the encoding by S/MIME.

  • Ask your company respectively/or your agent to transmit the required data for the call at the Port of Hamburg on your behalf.
  • In case a data transmission should also not be possible in that way, the possibility of registration of the company in the e-government in the homepage/portal of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg exists. With this registration the use of the electronic post office (https://gateway.hamburg.de/HamburgGateway /FVP/Application/DienstEinstieg.aspx?fid=68) is possible and the data may transmitted safely by a page being encoded by SSl. Registration and use of the electronic post office are free of costs. At present this possibility does exist exclusively for German-speaking users.

I don't have any passengers etc. on board. What data do I have to fill in there?

  • If certain information is not available, declarations are not necessary. When putting in "NIL" a plausibility check will be activated, which may result in error messages due to missing entries.

In the workbook for excel no file is created when using the button "Create XML file".

  • With high probability macros are not activated/enabled. The activation of macros differs in the different excel versions. Pleas call up the help function with the key F 1 and inform yourself about dealing with macros.

After having chosen a memory location for the XML file, an error message appears and the file is not recorded.

  • Maybe you use a safety-/virus protection software in your system, which prevents the creation of a file. These settings are usually configurable. Please use the auxiliary function of that software.

The numbers of the last ports/persons in the map for excel don't match with the numbers being displayed when creating the file.

  • Please pay attention to the requirement to start entering the data directly in the line next to the title line.

In the map for excel the list of ports is not complete. Therefore I can't find an entry/several entries

  • In the map for excel all cities, being indicated as ports, are on the page http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/welcome.html. In case a certain port should be missing, please inform us about that fact by e-mail to the address portsecurity@poststelle.hamburg.de. We will then complete the list in the map. Until then please chose another port of the same state and give us an information by the e-mail respectively text field of the form in the electronic post office.